
The Portfolio Analysis module aims at "assembling" in a temporary and virtual mode Projects, Contracts and Internal Work Orders contained in the database, with the purpose to carry out assessments and / or simulations.

This module is a powerful tool to support both planning activities and control activities at Enteprise level.

The Portfolios could be composed by:

  • Projects ongoing (back-log);
  • Projects expected. 


In the first case, the analysis mainly regards the past with the purpose of evaluating the performance achieved in a given period (by internal responsibilities, by market, by customer, etc.,).

In the second case, the analysis mainly regards the future and has the aim to evaluate alternative scenarios in relation to: the production volumes, the profitability expected, the workload and to the degree of saturation of resources, etc.

The main features of this module will allow you:

  • to compose and store new portfolios specifying the mix of Projects, Contracts and Work Orders contained therein;
  • to analyze selected portfolio’s costs, comparing the expected value of EAC with the related BAC;
  • to analyze selected portfolio’s profitability (expected values of Revenue, Margin, Receipts, Disbursements, Cash Flow);
  • to analyze the workload by comparing the amount of resources available with those needed;

 This module provides effective features for filtering and aggregating of the data and is therefore the ideal tool for viewing both graphical and tabular information contained in the system. 



Our Company


Via G. Carducci 5/4 sc. sn - 16121 GENOVA
Tel. 010 40 75 751 - Fax 010 40 74 447
email pm@gruppopm.com
Cod. Fisc. e Partita IVA 03171000106
R.E.A. GE 323875 - Reg. Imprese GE 53691
The company was founded in 1984 and since then has been working exclusively in Project & Construction Management.

In 1993 Piemme joint-ventured with the American company O’Brien & Kreitzberg (world leader in pure Project & Construction Management) acquiring skills, methodologies and the most advanced support tools that later constituted the Bridge platform.

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